Frequently Asked Questions
1. Where should I go to get academic planning and advisement help?
Visit the Liberal Arts Advisement Center in 1041 JFSB—Landon Tooke is the academic advisor specifically for Economics. You can also call them to make an appointment at 801-422-3541, or visit their website here
2. What grades do I need to get to graduate?
Economics majors: Must obtain a C- or higher in MATH 112 and ECON 110, 378, 380, 381, 382, & 388. Students must obtain a passing grade in all other economics courses they are using to count toward their major requirements.
Economics minors: Must obtain a C- or higher in MATH 112 and ECON 110, 380, & 381. Students must obtain a passing grade in all other economics courses they are using to count toward their minor requirements.
3. How many economics courses should I take per semester?
It is recommended that students take no more than three economics courses per semester in order to succeed in the program. Two courses per semester is preferred.
4. What courses will be offered in the future?
For a general idea of which courses will be offered when, visit this page
5. I want to transfer or substitute a calculus course for MATH 112 or 113. How can I do that?
You need to get approval for Math courses through the math department. You can find more information about this on the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences website here
6. Does the department offer challenge exams?
The department does not offer challenge exams for any economics courses.
7. What are some beneficial minors I could add as an econ major?
Click here to see suggested minors for economics majors.
8. Does the department have economics tutors?
We do have a tutor list, but individuals who would like to tutor contact us on an individual basis and are not affiliated with the department. Tutor lists are posted here
1. How do I declare the Economics Major (Primary or Secondary) or double major?
Click here to find out how to declare Economics as your major and how to double major.
2. How do I declare Economics as my minor?
Click here to learn how to add an Economics minor.
3. Do you have any suggestions for students who deferred their enrollment for a mission or other personal reason?
If you took MATH 112/113 before your deferment, you may take a refresher math course such as ENG T 295R before or concurrent with ECON 378, 380, and 381. These courses are math-heavy and can be difficult if you haven’t taken a math course in a while.
1. I am interested in pursuing graduate studies in economics. Are there any suggested classes I should take?
We suggest you read our Grad School Guide—it’s a great resource if you are considering graduate school in economics!
2. Where should I go to get help with post-grad career planning?
Visit Career Services in 2590 WSC—Amanda Peterson is the career director for the Economics Department. You can call 801-422-3000 or visit
to make an appointment.
3. Are there any suggested classes I should take if I am not interested in pursuing graduate studies after I graduate? Are there any courses recommended for career fields that econ majors commonly pursue?
If you plan no formal education beyond a bachelor’s degree, you should take other courses that will enhance your employment opportunities. Consult the Liberal Arts Advisement Center
Click here to review careers that are related to economics.
Click here
1. How can I receive the Economics Department weekly email blasts?
The Economics Department sends out weekly email blasts advertising internship, research, and job opportunities, as well as upcoming events on and around campus. This email is sent out to economics majors enrolled in classes for the current semester. If you would like to be added to the list, email the department at
2. How can I get involved in research and teaching assistant opportunities throughout the department?
Visit our Department Student Jobs
3. How can I join the Economics Student Association?
For more information about the Economics Student Association or to join, please visit the ESA webpage here.
4. How can I join Women in Econ?
First, join the Economics Student Association (above). Then, send an email to the Women in Econ group at
1. Who can I talk to about internship opportunities?
Contact our department internship coordinator here
2. How can I get ECON 199R internship credit?
The Economics Department policy is that students may apply to get credit ONLY if the internship provider requires it, if the student needs credit to fulfill international visa requirements, or if the student’s source of funding requires the student to receive credit. Students who take the ECON 199R course may only earn 0.5 credit hours. If these conditions apply to you, visit this page to learn more.
1. Does the Economics Department offer any scholarships or other monetary help?
Yes! We offer scholarships, internship grants, and experiential learning grants. Visit this page to learn more about requirements and deadlines.
2. What kind of transcript do I need to submit with different applications?
TA applications only require an academic summary, which can be found on MyMap by following the instructions on the application.
Scholarship, Internship, and Experiential Learning Grant applications require an official transcript. This transcript can be paper or electronic—we suggest submitting an electronic transcript, because it is cheaper and you can access it immediately. You can order transcripts online
3. Do I need to submit more than one official transcript if I am submitting multiple applications?
No, one transcript is fine! Just make a note of that on your application so we know to check.
1. Do you have any recommendations on what kind of computer I should purchase if I’m studying economics?
The department has no special recommendations for computers.
2. Do I need to purchase any kind of software as an economics student?
The statistical software economics students will use is available on the lab computers. However, students may purchase their own copy of STATA—one of the software programs used—at a discounted rate. Students are NOT required to have the software on their own computer, and this program will not be used until a student is taking upper division courses.
3. How can I access the STATA student discount?
To access the free online version of Stata, go to
You must be a current BYU Student to order the software at the discounted rate. Go to
*There are two main versions of Stata: Stata/IC for mid-sized datasets (about 2,000 variables), and Stata/SE for large datasets (about 32,000 variables).
4. Training on STATA?
Please check out the ESA's STATA Training Manual by visiting this page.