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Visiting Scholar Archives

NameInstitutionLecture Title


Manasi DeshpandeUniversity of ChicagoEvaluating Recent Crackdowns on Disability Benefits: Effects on Income and Health Care Utilization in Australia
Bocar BaDuke UniversityUnderstanding Demand for Police Alternatives
Zach BleemerPrinceton UniversityAffirmative Action and Racial Integration
Ben HandelUC BerkeleyCognitive Capacity, Fatigue, and Decision Making: Evidence from the Practice of Medicine
Michael DardenJohn Hopkins UniversityExternalities from Medical Innovation: Evidence from Organ Transplantation
Liyan YangUniversity of TorontoTo Dissimulate or Not to Dissimulate? Insider Trading When Anticipating Future Information
Manisha ShahUC BerkeleySex, Power, and Adolescence: Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Behaviors
Joshua AngristMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyThe Elite Illusion: Achievements Effects At Boston and New York Exam Schools
Parker RogersIndiana University/NBERRegulating the Innovators: Approval Costs and Innovation in Medical Technologies
Patricia CortesBoston UniversityGender Differences in Negotiations and Labor Market Outcomes...
Melissa DellHarvard UniversityEfficient OCR for Building a Diverse Digital History


Daniel QuintUniv. of Wisconsin"Bid Shopping" in Procurement Auctions with Subcontracting
Nir JaimovichUC San DiegoThe Distributional Impact of Sectoral Technical Change
Timothy LaytonHarvard UniversityAdverse Selection and (un)Natural Monopoly in Insurance Markets
Bo JacksonNorthwestern UniversityWhat Impacts Can We Expect From School Spending Policy? Evidence from Evaluations in the U.S.
Nathaniel HendrenHarvard UniversityThe Radius of Economic Opportunity: Evidence from Migration and Local Labor Markets
Gautam GowrisankaranColumbia UniversityPolicy Uncertainty in the Market for Coal Electricity: The Case of Air Toxics Standards
Liz CascioDartmouth CollegeLegal Activism, State Policy, and Racial Inequality in Teacher Salaries and Educational Attainment in the Mid-Century American South
Conrad MillerUC BerkeleyClass Disparities and Discrimination in Traffic Stops and Searches
Randi HjalmarssonGoteborgs UniversitetADHD, Prison Healthcare, and Crime
Jesse RothsteinUC BerkeleyIndustry Wage Differentials: A Firm-Based Approach


Danial LashkariBoston College"Do events such as Brexit, the pandemic, and the rise of nationalist leaders across the world portend the end of the current wave of globalization?"
Tyler RansomUniversity of Oklahoma"The Role of Supply and Demand Factors in Explaining the Migration of College Majors"
Bruce SacerdoteDartmouth College"Where did the Workers in Heavily Covid Affected Occupations Go?"
Andres CarvajalUniversity of California - Davis"Idiosyncratic risk and the equity premium"
Alessandra VoenaStanford University"How the Economics of the Family Can Inform Policy Making in the Developing World"
Basit ZafarUniversity of Michigan"The Role of Information Frictions and Belief Biases in College Major Choice and Labor Market Decisions"
Steve BillingsUniversity of Colorado Boulder"Partisan Residential Sorting on Climate Change Risk"
Brad LarsenStanford University"The Effect of a Trump Vaccine Endorsement on COVID-19 Vaccinations: Evidence From a Large Scale Ad Experiment on YouTube"
David ChanStanford University"Selection with Variation in Diagnostic Skill: Evidence from Radiologists"
Eric ChynDartmouth College"Moved to Opportunity: The Long-Run Effects of Public Housing Demolition on Children"


Melissa KearneyUniversity of Maryland"A Public Policy Perspective on U.S. Income Inequality"
Kevin LangUniversity of Boston"Labor Market Discrimination in the United States"
John ListUniversity of Chicago"The Science of Using Science"


David DemingHarvard University"Inequality in the U.S. and Around the World"
Gueorgui KambourovUniversity of Toronto"Hours, Occupations, and Gender Differences in Labor Market Outcomes"
Jon KolstadUniversity of California - Berkeley"What Simple Economics Gets Wrong: How Insights from Behavioral Economics and AI can Improve U.S. Health Policy"
Michael Mueller-SmithUniversity of Michigan"Diversion in the Criminal Justice System"
Aysegul SahinUniversity of Texas - Austin"The Last Decade of the U.S. Labor Market"
Lise VesterlundUniversity of Pittsburgh"Gender Differences in Task Allocations: Competition and Volunteering"
Yongseok ShinWashington University in St. Louis"Technological Progress and the Changing Occupational and Industrial Structure"


Helios HerreraUniversity​​ of Warwick"Economic Populism"
Liran EinavStanford University"Long Term Care Hospitals: A Case Study in Waste"
Stephen O'ConnellEmory University"Can Employers Inform Government Job Training Programs? Evidence from Brazil"
Daniel ReesUniversity of Colorado -- Denver"The Phenomenon of Summer Diarrhea and its Waning"
Asen KochovUniversity​ of Rochester"Risk Sharing, Mortgage Backed Securities, and the 2008 Financial Crisis"
​Abigail Wozniak
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
"What is the Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute?"
Seth ZimmermanUniversity​ of Chicago Booth​​"Higher Education Finance and the Returns to College"
​Enrico Moretti
University of California -- Berkeley"The New Geography of Jobs"
Mary CoxUniversity of Oxford"Hunger in War and Peace: Women and Children in Germany, 1914-1924"
Mike LovenheimCornell University"A Bad Bargain? The Role of Teachers Unions in K-12 Education"
John CoglianeseFederal Reserve Board"Seasonal Work in the US Labor Market"


Marie-Louise VieroQueens University​"The Economics of Unknown Unknowns"
Chris ChambersGeorgetown University​"Economics and Revealed Preference"
Jennifer DoleacUniversity of Virginia"The Unintended Consequences of 'Ban the Box' Policies"
Henry FarberPrinceton University​"Why Can't You Find a Taxi in the Rain? The Behavioral Critique of Neoclassical Economics"
Ben HansenUniversity of Oregon"The Highs and Lows of Research with Administrative Data"
​Elena Asparouhova
​University of Utah
​"The Efficient Market Hypothesis: The Experimental Evidence"
Eric TaylorHarvard University​"Skills, Job Tasks, and Productivity in Teaching: Evidence from a Randomized Trial of Instruction Practices"
James FeigenbaumBoston University​​​​"A Machine Learning Approach to Historical Census Record Linkage"
Jonathan TanUniversity​​​ of Nottingham"Does Religion Make Us (Economically) Different?"
Yan ChenUniversity​​​ of Michigan"Recommending Teams Promotes Pro-Social Lending in Online Microfinance"
David CardUniversity of California -- Berkeley"The Economic Impacts of Immigration -- An Overview"
Andreas LeibbrandtMonash University​​​"Combining Empirical Methods in Economics"
Enghin AtalayUniversity​​​ of Wisconsin -- Madison​"How Wide is the Firm Border?"
Henry SiuUniversity​​​ of British Columbia​"Recessions, Jobless Recoveries, and Disappearing Middle-Class Jobs"


Laura GeeTufts University​"Do Beliefs About Peers Matter for Donation Matching?"
Sharon TraibermanYale/NYU"The Effects of Free Trade on Workers: The Basics and Some Current Evidence"​
Matias CattaneoUniversity of Michigan​"Regression Discontinuity Designs"
Chris HansenUniversity of Chicago Booth"Introduction to Estimation and Inference of Structural and Treatment Parameters Using Machine Learning Methods"​
Pablo OttonelloUniversity of Michigan​"Financial Heterogeneity and the Investment Channel of Monetary Policy"​
Jonathan MeerTexas A&M​ University"Recent Research on the Minimum Wage"
Greg KaplanUniversity of Chicago Booth"The Housing Boom and Bust"​
Ryan DeckerFederal Reserve Board"Entrepreneurship and the U.S Economy"​
Nathan SeegertUniversity of Utah​​"At a Loss: The Real and Reporting Elasticity of Corporate Taxable Income"​
Barry HirschTufts University"Earnings Inequality: Stylized Facts, Underlying Causes and Policy"​
Pawel KrolikowskiTufts University​​"Job Displacement"
Gordon DahlUniversity of California -- San Diego"Family Violence and Football: The Effect of Unexpected Emotional Cues on Violent Behavior"​
​Martha StinsonCensus​​"Government Statistics: How Are They Created and What Can We Learn From Them?"​


Martin OsborneUniversity of Toronto"Participatory Democracy with Costly Participation: Absenteeism, Extremism, and Factions"
Brian JacobUniversity of Michigan"The Impact of Comprehensive School Reform: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design"
Nishith PrakashUniversity of Connecticut"Cycling to School: Increasing Secondary School Enrollment for Girls in India"
Judd KesslerUniversity of Pennsylvania​"Thinking Fast and Slow: Generosity Over Time"
Sarah Goldrick-RabUniversity of Wisconsin -- Madison​"Paying the Price: College Costs and the Betrayal of the American Dream"
Ben BugsleyNY Fed"Firm-Dynamics and the Macroeconomy"
Linda TesarUniversity of Michigan"Austerity"
Thomas WinberryUniversity of Chicago​​​"Firm Heterogeneity and Aggregate Dynamics"
Travis LybbertUniversity of California -- Davis​​"The Economics of Hope and Poverty"
​Eliza ForsytheUniversity of Illinois"An Economic Perspective on Career Transitions"


Brigitte MadrianHarvard University"Applying Insights from Behavioral Economics to Policy Design"
Ping WangWashington University in St. Louis"Staged Economic Development"
Nicolai KuminoffArizona State University​"Improving Estimates for the Monetary Benefits of Environmental Regulations"
Prashant BharadwajUniversity of California -- San Diego​​"Mental Health Stigma"
Briggs DepewLouisiana State University"The ACA's Medical Loss Ratio: What Have We Learned in the First Three Years?"
Martha BaileyUniversity of Michigan​"The LIFE-M Project"
Mattias PolbornUniversity of Illinois​​"Political Polarization"
Matt BairdRand Corporation"A Course Level Analysis of STEM Retention and the Distribution of Ability: Can it Explain the Racial Gap?"
Guillaume VandenbrouckeResearch Division, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis"The Demographic Effects of Wars: An Economic Perspective"
Ioana Marinescu​​University​ of Chicago Harris​​​"The Impact of Unemployment Insurance on Unemployment"


Tim CasonPurdue University​"Economics is an Experimental Science"
Thomas LemieuxUniversity of British Columbia"Will the Labor Market Ever Recover from the Great Recession?"​
Larry KotlikoffBoston University​​"The Economics Approach to Personal Financial Planning"
David CardUniversity of California -- Berkeley"The Growing (?) Importance of Who You Work For"
​John GruberMassachusetts Institute of Technology"Health Reform in the US: The Past, Present & Future"​
Frank McIntyreRutgers University​"The Economic Value of a Law Degree"
​​Kasey BucklesNotre Dame University​​"High-Quality Preschool: What We Know, and Directions for Future Research"
Eric O'N FisherCalifornia Polytechnic State University​"Does International Trade Hurt the American Worker​?"​
Kenneth L. JuddStanford University​"Can Economists Be More Useful, Like Engineers?"​
Justin SydnorUniversity of Wisconsin -- Madison​​​"Bid Takers or Market Makers? The Effect of Auctioneers on Auction Outcomes"
Jim Albrecht & Susan VromanGeorgetown University​"Search in the Labor Market: The Diamond-Mortensen-Pissarides Model"​
Ariel KalilUniversity of Chicago Harris"Closing the Parenting Gap: Insights from Behavioral Economics and Neuroscience"​
​John MorganBerkeley Haas School of Business"Voting and Utilitarianism"​
John GruberHarvard University"Synthetic Controls for Policy Evaluation"​


Travis LybbertUniversity of California -- Davis​"Cell Phones and the Economic Development​"
Gary CharnessUniversity of California -- Santa Barbara"​​Cheap Talk About Cheap Talk"
Roger MyersonChicago University"Moral Hazard and Macroeconomics"
Andy SkrzypaczStanford University​"Auctions, Revelation Principle, and Revenue Equivalence Theorem"
Marco Battaglini​Princeton University​"Fiscal Policy and Unemployment"
Philip OreopoulosUniversity of Toronto​"Behavioral Economics and Education: Some Puzzles, Progress, and Possibilities"
Ben Hans​enUniversity of Oregon"Benefit Generosity and Injury Duration: Evidence from Regression Kink"
Adam MeirowitzPrinceton University​"​Problems with Doing the Right Thing: Voting, Deliberation and Equilibrium"
Rick GregoryProvo Police Chief"​Economics of Crime"
Jay CogginsUniversity of Minnesota"A History of the Clean Air Act and Human Health"
Brent HickmanUniversity of Chicago"A Brief Tour of the Wide World of Structural Methods in Microeconomics"
​​ David Figlio​​​​Northwestern University​"The Promise and Pitfalls of Market-Based Education Reform" 


Amir KiaUtah Valley University​"The Impact of Monetary Policy Transparency on Risk and Volatility of Interest Rates: Evidence from the United States"
Hector ChadeArizona State University"College Applications and College Admissions"​
Jesse RothsteinUniversity of California -- Berkeley"Unemployment Insurance and Job Search in the Great Recession"
Steven CallanderStanford University​"Modeling Uncertainty in a Complicated World"
Melody LoUniversity of Hong Kong"Why Does New Hampshire Matter - Simultaneous vs. Sequential Election with Multiple Candidates"
Christopher StantonUniversity of Utah"The Labor Market Consequences of Forced CEO Turnover"
Ben CowanWashington State University​"Testing for Educational Credit Constraints using Heterogeneity in Individual Time Preferences"​
Matt HoltUniversity​ of Alabama"Global Hemispheric Temperature Trends and Co-Trending: A Shifting Mean Vector Autoregressive​ Analysis"​
Kenneth L. JuddStanford University"Can Economists Be More Useful, Like Engineers?"
D. Nathan SheetsCitigroup"Global Economic Outlook"
Susan ChenUniversity of Alabama"Spousal Labor Supply Responses to Government Programs: Evidence from the Disability Insurance Program"
Jason DeBackerMiddle Tennessee State University"Corporate Taxation: Economics and Policy"
Kevin HuangVanderbilt University"China's Macroeconomics Development: Retrospect and Prospect"
Zhuan PeiW.E. Upjohn Institute"Using Discontinuities/Kink in Program Rules to Measure Casual Effects"


Larry KotlikoffBoston University"America is Bankrupt and We Don’t Even Know It"
Russel CooperEuropean University Institute"​Coordination Failures"
Kyoungwon SeoNorthwestern University​"​An Application of Statistics to Business Decision Making"
Chris PhelanUniversity of Minnesota"​Interest Rates Run"
Brian AitkenInternational Monetary Fund"Made in China: The Origin and Implications of China’s Economic Revolution"
Glenn StantonFocus on the Family​"The Emerging Science on Cohabitation"
Paul HeatonRAND Institute for Civil Justice"Correlation and Causation"
Sandra Black​University of Texas -- Austin"Recent Developments in Intergenerational Mobility"
Meghan BusseNorthwestern University"'The Best Price You'll Never Get': The 2005 Employee Discount Pricing Promotions in the U.S. Automobile Industry"
Joe AltonjiYale University"Identifying Sibling Influence on Teenage Substance Use"
Henry S. FarberPrinceton University"Job Loss and Unemployment in the Great Recession"
​Peter ArcidiaconoDuke University"Beliefs about Expected Earnings and the Choice of College Major"
Whitney Newey
​Massachusetts Institute of Technology"Panel Data and Treatment Effects"
Lant PritchettHarvard University"The Rebirth of Modern Education"
Randall LewisYahoo!"Econinformatics: Economics and Big Data"