Name | Institution | Lecture Title |
2024 |
Manasi Deshpande | University of Chicago | Evaluating Recent Crackdowns on Disability Benefits: Effects on Income and Health Care Utilization in Australia |
Bocar Ba | Duke University | Understanding Demand for Police Alternatives |
Zach Bleemer | Princeton University | Affirmative Action and Racial Integration |
Ben Handel | UC Berkeley | Cognitive Capacity, Fatigue, and Decision Making: Evidence from the Practice of Medicine |
Michael Darden | John Hopkins University | Externalities from Medical Innovation: Evidence from Organ Transplantation |
Liyan Yang | University of Toronto | To Dissimulate or Not to Dissimulate? Insider Trading When Anticipating Future Information |
Manisha Shah | UC Berkeley | Sex, Power, and Adolescence: Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Behaviors |
Joshua Angrist | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | The Elite Illusion: Achievements Effects At Boston and New York Exam Schools |
Parker Rogers | Indiana University/NBER | Regulating the Innovators: Approval Costs and Innovation in Medical Technologies |
Patricia Cortes | Boston University | Gender Differences in Negotiations and Labor Market Outcomes... |
Melissa Dell | Harvard University | Efficient OCR for Building a Diverse Digital History |
2023 |
Daniel Quint | Univ. of Wisconsin | "Bid Shopping" in Procurement Auctions with Subcontracting |
Nir Jaimovich | UC San Diego | The Distributional Impact of Sectoral Technical Change |
Timothy Layton | Harvard University | Adverse Selection and (un)Natural Monopoly in Insurance Markets |
Bo Jackson | Northwestern University | What Impacts Can We Expect From School Spending Policy? Evidence from Evaluations in the U.S. |
Nathaniel Hendren | Harvard University | The Radius of Economic Opportunity: Evidence from Migration and Local Labor Markets |
Gautam Gowrisankaran | Columbia University | Policy Uncertainty in the Market for Coal Electricity: The Case of Air Toxics Standards |
Liz Cascio | Dartmouth College | Legal Activism, State Policy, and Racial Inequality in Teacher Salaries and Educational Attainment in the Mid-Century American South |
Conrad Miller | UC Berkeley | Class Disparities and Discrimination in Traffic Stops and Searches |
Randi Hjalmarsson | Goteborgs Universitet | ADHD, Prison Healthcare, and Crime |
Jesse Rothstein | UC Berkeley | Industry Wage Differentials: A Firm-Based Approach |
2022 |
Danial Lashkari | Boston College | "Do events such as Brexit, the pandemic, and the rise of nationalist leaders across the world portend the end of the current wave of globalization?" |
Tyler Ransom | University of Oklahoma | "The Role of Supply and Demand Factors in Explaining the Migration of College Majors" |
Bruce Sacerdote | Dartmouth College | "Where did the Workers in Heavily Covid Affected Occupations Go?" |
Andres Carvajal | University of California - Davis | "Idiosyncratic risk and the equity premium" |
Alessandra Voena | Stanford University | "How the Economics of the Family Can Inform Policy Making in the Developing World" |
Basit Zafar | University of Michigan | "The Role of Information Frictions and Belief Biases in College Major Choice and Labor Market Decisions" |
Steve Billings | University of Colorado Boulder | "Partisan Residential Sorting on Climate Change Risk" |
Brad Larsen | Stanford University | "The Effect of a Trump Vaccine Endorsement on COVID-19 Vaccinations: Evidence From a Large Scale Ad Experiment on YouTube" |
David Chan | Stanford University | "Selection with Variation in Diagnostic Skill: Evidence from Radiologists" |
Eric Chyn | Dartmouth College | "Moved to Opportunity: The Long-Run Effects of Public Housing Demolition on Children" |
2021 |
Melissa Kearney | University of Maryland | "A Public Policy Perspective on U.S. Income Inequality" |
Kevin Lang | University of Boston | "Labor Market Discrimination in the United States" |
John List | University of Chicago | "The Science of Using Science" |
2020 |
David Deming | Harvard University | "Inequality in the U.S. and Around the World" |
Gueorgui Kambourov | University of Toronto | "Hours, Occupations, and Gender Differences in Labor Market Outcomes" |
Jon Kolstad | University of California - Berkeley | "What Simple Economics Gets Wrong: How Insights from Behavioral Economics and AI can Improve U.S. Health Policy" |
Michael Mueller-Smith | University of Michigan | "Diversion in the Criminal Justice System" |
Aysegul Sahin | University of Texas - Austin | "The Last Decade of the U.S. Labor Market" |
Lise Vesterlund | University of Pittsburgh | "Gender Differences in Task Allocations: Competition and Volunteering" |
Yongseok Shin | Washington University in St. Louis | "Technological Progress and the Changing Occupational and Industrial Structure" |
2019 |
Helios Herrera | University of Warwick | "Economic Populism" |
Liran Einav | Stanford University | "Long Term Care Hospitals: A Case Study in Waste" |
Stephen O'Connell | Emory University | "Can Employers Inform Government Job Training Programs? Evidence from Brazil" |
Daniel Rees | University of Colorado -- Denver | "The Phenomenon of Summer Diarrhea and its Waning" |
Asen Kochov | University of Rochester | "Risk Sharing, Mortgage Backed Securities, and the 2008 Financial Crisis" |
Abigail Wozniak
| Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
| "What is the Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute?" |
Seth Zimmerman | University of Chicago Booth | "Higher Education Finance and the Returns to College" |
Enrico Moretti
| University of California -- Berkeley | "The New Geography of Jobs" |
Mary Cox | University of Oxford | "Hunger in War and Peace: Women and Children in Germany, 1914-1924" |
Mike Lovenheim | Cornell University | "A Bad Bargain? The Role of Teachers Unions in K-12 Education" |
John Coglianese | Federal Reserve Board | "Seasonal Work in the US Labor Market" |
2018 |
Marie-Louise Viero | Queens University | "The Economics of Unknown Unknowns" |
Chris Chambers | Georgetown University | "Economics and Revealed Preference" |
Jennifer Doleac | University of Virginia | "The Unintended Consequences of 'Ban the Box' Policies" |
Henry Farber | Princeton University | "Why Can't You Find a Taxi in the Rain? The Behavioral Critique of Neoclassical Economics" |
Ben Hansen | University of Oregon | "The Highs and Lows of Research with Administrative Data" |
Elena Asparouhova
| University of Utah
| "The Efficient Market Hypothesis: The Experimental Evidence" |
Eric Taylor | Harvard University | "Skills, Job Tasks, and Productivity in Teaching: Evidence from a Randomized Trial of Instruction Practices" |
James Feigenbaum | Boston University | "A Machine Learning Approach to Historical Census Record Linkage" |
Jonathan Tan | University of Nottingham | "Does Religion Make Us (Economically) Different?" |
Yan Chen | University of Michigan | "Recommending Teams Promotes Pro-Social Lending in Online Microfinance" |
David Card | University of California -- Berkeley | "The Economic Impacts of Immigration -- An Overview" |
Andreas Leibbrandt | Monash University | "Combining Empirical Methods in Economics" |
Enghin Atalay | University of Wisconsin -- Madison | "How Wide is the Firm Border?" |
Henry Siu | University of British Columbia | "Recessions, Jobless Recoveries, and Disappearing Middle-Class Jobs" |
2017 |
Laura Gee | Tufts University | "Do Beliefs About Peers Matter for Donation Matching?" |
Sharon Traiberman | Yale/NYU | "The Effects of Free Trade on Workers: The Basics and Some Current Evidence" |
Matias Cattaneo | University of Michigan | "Regression Discontinuity Designs" |
Chris Hansen | University of Chicago Booth | "Introduction to Estimation and Inference of Structural and Treatment Parameters Using Machine Learning Methods" |
Pablo Ottonello | University of Michigan | "Financial Heterogeneity and the Investment Channel of Monetary Policy" |
Jonathan Meer | Texas A&M University | "Recent Research on the Minimum Wage" |
Greg Kaplan | University of Chicago Booth | "The Housing Boom and Bust" |
Ryan Decker | Federal Reserve Board | "Entrepreneurship and the U.S Economy" |
Nathan Seegert | University of Utah | "At a Loss: The Real and Reporting Elasticity of Corporate Taxable Income" |
Barry Hirsch | Tufts University | "Earnings Inequality: Stylized Facts, Underlying Causes and Policy" |
Pawel Krolikowski | Tufts University | "Job Displacement" |
Gordon Dahl | University of California -- San Diego | "Family Violence and Football: The Effect of Unexpected Emotional Cues on Violent Behavior" |
Martha Stinson | Census | "Government Statistics: How Are They Created and What Can We Learn From Them?" |
2016 |
Martin Osborne | University of Toronto | "Participatory Democracy with Costly Participation: Absenteeism, Extremism, and Factions" |
Brian Jacob | University of Michigan | "The Impact of Comprehensive School Reform: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design" |
Nishith Prakash | University of Connecticut | "Cycling to School: Increasing Secondary School Enrollment for Girls in India" |
Judd Kessler | University of Pennsylvania | "Thinking Fast and Slow: Generosity Over Time" |
Sarah Goldrick-Rab | University of Wisconsin -- Madison | "Paying the Price: College Costs and the Betrayal of the American Dream" |
Ben Bugsley | NY Fed | "Firm-Dynamics and the Macroeconomy" |
Linda Tesar | University of Michigan | "Austerity" |
Thomas Winberry | University of Chicago | "Firm Heterogeneity and Aggregate Dynamics" |
Travis Lybbert | University of California -- Davis | "The Economics of Hope and Poverty" |
Eliza Forsythe | University of Illinois | "An Economic Perspective on Career Transitions" |
2015 |
Brigitte Madrian | Harvard University | "Applying Insights from Behavioral Economics to Policy Design" |
Ping Wang | Washington University in St. Louis | "Staged Economic Development" |
Nicolai Kuminoff | Arizona State University | "Improving Estimates for the Monetary Benefits of Environmental Regulations" |
Prashant Bharadwaj | University of California -- San Diego | "Mental Health Stigma" |
Briggs Depew | Louisiana State University | "The ACA's Medical Loss Ratio: What Have We Learned in the First Three Years?" |
Martha Bailey | University of Michigan | "The LIFE-M Project" |
Mattias Polborn | University of Illinois | "Political Polarization" |
Matt Baird | Rand Corporation | "A Course Level Analysis of STEM Retention and the Distribution of Ability: Can it Explain the Racial Gap?" |
Guillaume Vandenbroucke | Research Division, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis | "The Demographic Effects of Wars: An Economic Perspective" |
Ioana Marinescu | University of Chicago Harris | "The Impact of Unemployment Insurance on Unemployment" |
2014 |
Tim Cason | Purdue University | "Economics is an Experimental Science" |
Thomas Lemieux | University of British Columbia | "Will the Labor Market Ever Recover from the Great Recession?" |
Larry Kotlikoff | Boston University | "The Economics Approach to Personal Financial Planning" |
David Card | University of California -- Berkeley | "The Growing (?) Importance of Who You Work For" |
John Gruber | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | "Health Reform in the US: The Past, Present & Future" |
Frank McIntyre | Rutgers University | "The Economic Value of a Law Degree" |
Kasey Buckles | Notre Dame University | "High-Quality Preschool: What We Know, and Directions for Future Research" |
Eric O'N Fisher | California Polytechnic State University | "Does International Trade Hurt the American Worker?" |
Kenneth L. Judd | Stanford University | "Can Economists Be More Useful, Like Engineers?" |
Justin Sydnor | University of Wisconsin -- Madison | "Bid Takers or Market Makers? The Effect of Auctioneers on Auction Outcomes" |
Jim Albrecht & Susan Vroman | Georgetown University | "Search in the Labor Market: The Diamond-Mortensen-Pissarides Model" |
Ariel Kalil | University of Chicago Harris | "Closing the Parenting Gap: Insights from Behavioral Economics and Neuroscience" |
John Morgan | Berkeley Haas School of Business | "Voting and Utilitarianism" |
John Gruber | Harvard University | "Synthetic Controls for Policy Evaluation" |
2013 |
Travis Lybbert | University of California -- Davis | "Cell Phones and the Economic Development" |
Gary Charness | University of California -- Santa Barbara | "Cheap Talk About Cheap Talk" |
Roger Myerson | Chicago University | "Moral Hazard and Macroeconomics" |
Andy Skrzypacz | Stanford University | "Auctions, Revelation Principle, and Revenue Equivalence Theorem" |
Marco Battaglini | Princeton University | "Fiscal Policy and Unemployment" |
Philip Oreopoulos | University of Toronto | "Behavioral Economics and Education: Some Puzzles, Progress, and Possibilities" |
Ben Hansen | University of Oregon | "Benefit Generosity and Injury Duration: Evidence from Regression Kink" |
Adam Meirowitz | Princeton University | "Problems with Doing the Right Thing: Voting, Deliberation and Equilibrium" |
Rick Gregory | Provo Police Chief | "Economics of Crime" |
Jay Coggins | University of Minnesota | "A History of the Clean Air Act and Human Health" |
Brent Hickman | University of Chicago | "A Brief Tour of the Wide World of Structural Methods in Microeconomics" |
David Figlio | Northwestern University | "The Promise and Pitfalls of Market-Based Education Reform" |
2012 |
Amir Kia | Utah Valley University | "The Impact of Monetary Policy Transparency on Risk and Volatility of Interest Rates: Evidence from the United States" |
Hector Chade | Arizona State University | "College Applications and College Admissions" |
Jesse Rothstein | University of California -- Berkeley | "Unemployment Insurance and Job Search in the Great Recession" |
Steven Callander | Stanford University | "Modeling Uncertainty in a Complicated World" |
Melody Lo | University of Hong Kong | "Why Does New Hampshire Matter - Simultaneous vs. Sequential Election with Multiple Candidates" |
Christopher Stanton | University of Utah | "The Labor Market Consequences of Forced CEO Turnover" |
Ben Cowan | Washington State University | "Testing for Educational Credit Constraints using Heterogeneity in Individual Time Preferences" |
Matt Holt | University of Alabama | "Global Hemispheric Temperature Trends and Co-Trending: A Shifting Mean Vector Autoregressive Analysis" |
Kenneth L. Judd | Stanford University | "Can Economists Be More Useful, Like Engineers?" |
D. Nathan Sheets | Citigroup | "Global Economic Outlook" |
Susan Chen | University of Alabama | "Spousal Labor Supply Responses to Government Programs: Evidence from the Disability Insurance Program" |
Jason DeBacker | Middle Tennessee State University | "Corporate Taxation: Economics and Policy" |
Kevin Huang | Vanderbilt University | "China's Macroeconomics Development: Retrospect and Prospect" |
Zhuan Pei | W.E. Upjohn Institute | "Using Discontinuities/Kink in Program Rules to Measure Casual Effects" |
2011 |
Larry Kotlikoff | Boston University | "America is Bankrupt and We Don’t Even Know It" |
Russel Cooper | European University Institute | "Coordination Failures" |
Kyoungwon Seo | Northwestern University | "An Application of Statistics to Business Decision Making" |
Chris Phelan | University of Minnesota | "Interest Rates Run" |
Brian Aitken | International Monetary Fund | "Made in China: The Origin and Implications of China’s Economic Revolution" |
Glenn Stanton | Focus on the Family | "The Emerging Science on Cohabitation" |
Paul Heaton | RAND Institute for Civil Justice | "Correlation and Causation" |
Sandra Black | University of Texas -- Austin | "Recent Developments in Intergenerational Mobility" |
Meghan Busse | Northwestern University | "'The Best Price You'll Never Get': The 2005 Employee Discount Pricing Promotions in the U.S. Automobile Industry" |
Joe Altonji | Yale University | "Identifying Sibling Influence on Teenage Substance Use" |
Henry S. Farber | Princeton University | "Job Loss and Unemployment in the Great Recession" |
Peter Arcidiacono | Duke University | "Beliefs about Expected Earnings and the Choice of College Major" |
Whitney Newey
| Massachusetts Institute of Technology | "Panel Data and Treatment Effects" |
Lant Pritchett | Harvard University | "The Rebirth of Modern Education" |
Randall Lewis | Yahoo! | "Econinformatics: Economics and Big Data" |