List of Courses Offered Skip to main content

List of Courses Offered

Below are the current courses being offered by the Economics Department. Not all courses are taught in every semester or term. This list gives typical assignments but is subject to change at any time. Please click on course numbers to review syllabi examples.

Additional information may be found in the University Catalog.

Course #Course NamePrerequisitesProfessor(s)
110Economic Principles and ProblemsNoneButler, Kearl, A. Pope, Price, Platt, Showalter
210Career Preparation SeminarNoneMcMurray
378Statistics for EconomistsECON 110 & MATH 112 or 113Leslie, McMurray, Price
380Intermediate Microeconomic Theory 1ECON 110 & MATH 112 or 113Leslie, Price, Sims, Waters,
381Intermediate MacroeconomicsECON 110 & MATH 112 or 113Bradford, Yim, Condie,
382Intermediate Microeconomic Theory 2ECON 378 & 380Cardon, Lefgren, Price, Platt, J. Pope
388Introduction to EconometricsECON 378Eide, Eastmond, Frandsen, Showalter
398Applied EconometricsECON 388Patterson, J. Pope, Wilson
420Economics of Antitrust Law and RegulationECON 378 & 380Kearl
431Economic DevelopmentECON 380 & 388 or ECON 380 & POLI 300Stoddard
432Economic GrowthECON 380, 381 & 388 or ECON 380, 381 & POLI 300vom Lehn
440Natural Resources and Environmental EconomicsECON 380 & 388A. Pope
442Behavioral EconomicsECON 388Patterson
450Financial EconomicsECON 382 & 388Condie
453Monetary Theory and PolicyECON 380 & 381Platt
458International Trade Theory and ApplicationsECON 388 or ECON 380 & POLI 300Bradford
461Economics of EducationECON 388Eide
465Health EconomicsECON 382 & 388Showalter
475Public EconomicsECON 378 & ECON 380Wilson
476Industrial OrganizationECON 382Cardon
478Game Theory and EconomicsECON 378 & 380McMurray
484Machine Learning for EconomistsECON 380 & 388Frandsen
580Advanced Microeconomic Theory 1ECON 382 & MATH 290Condie
581Advanced MacroeconomicsECON 381, 382, & 388vom Lehn
582Advanced Microeconomic Theory 2ECON 580Platt
588Advanced EconometricsECON 388Frandsen