How to Declare a Major/Minor in Economics
To Declare the Major
Students can change their major on their MyMAP. Whether you already have a current major declared or not, the process is the same to declare an Economics major.
1. Under your "Student Summary" tab in your MyMAP, select "Change Major Request".
2. Follow the steps to petition for a change of major request.
3. If the petition is approved, the major will be declared within 5 business days.
4. You will receive a YMessage when the major has been successfully declared.
You do not need to go into the Liberal Arts Advisement Center to declare an Economics major.
However, if you have more than 90 BYU credits, you must schedule an appointment with the Liberal Arts Advisement Center to declare an Economics major.
See the catalog here
To Declare the Minor
Visit your primary major's advisement center to declare an Economics minor. The process will vary by major.
See the catalog here
To Add Economics as a Second Major
Declaring Economics as your Primary Major
1. Visit the Liberal Arts Advisement Center to declare Economics as your primary major.
2. Visit the advisement center of your secondary major to declare your second major.
3. Complete the processes required by the advisement centers to submit a petition.
4. If the petition is approved, the majors will be declared within 5 business days.
5. You will be contacted once both majors have been declared.
Declaring Economics as your Secondary Major
1. Visit the advisement center of your primary major to declare your first major.
2. Visit the Liberal Arts Advisement Center to declare Economics as your secondary major.
3. Complete the processes required by the advisement centers to submit a petition.
4. If the petition is approved, the majors will be declared within 5 business days.
5. You will be contacted once both majors have been declared.
The Liberal Arts Advisement Center
The Liberal Arts Advisement Center is the advisement center for Economics students. It is located in 1041 JFSB. You can call them to make an appointment at 801-422-3541 or visit their website here