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Department Student Jobs

Economics Teaching Assistants (TAs)

  • Students who wish to be an Economics TA must have completed Econ 110, Econ 380, and the class they're applying to TA for prior to the start of the semester/term the job will begin. (Completion of 381 is also preferred. )
  • TAs are expected to maintain, at minimum, a 3.5 Economics GPA and an overall 3.0 GPA.
  • Starting wages are $14.00/hour for 110 TAs and $13.25/hour for non-110 TAs, with a $0.50 raise each semester. ​
  • Handwritten applications are not accepted.
  • A current Academic Summary must be attached to your application.
  • A TA position is a one semester/term appointment. Current TAs must reapply for future semesters/terms.

Shortly after TA applications are due, department faculty meet to review each candidate and make their selections. Typically, candidates are notified whether they've been selected or not via email, within two weeks of the application due date.

We are now accepting TA applications! Spring/Summer 2025 applications will be accepted through March 26th. Completed applications should be turned in to or to the Economics Office (2146 WVB).

Spring/Summer TA Application

Fall TA Application

Economics Research Assistants​ (RAs)

At this time, there is no formal process for students to apply to be research assistants. However, most professors do require their RAs to have taken Econ 388. Since every professor hires and works with RAs differently, we suggest you speak with your professors and ask if they are hiring.
If any professors are actively looking for a cohort of research assistants, those positions will be announced in the department's weekly email and posted here.

Current RA Openings

Dr. Stoddard is looking to hire an RA. An ideal candidate will have completed Econ 388 and have a good handle of Stata and some experience with Python, interest in pursuing research/Econ Ph.D. and be able to work 10-15 hrs/week over the next 1.5 years. If you are interested, please complete the following application form:

Please direct all inquiries to Dr. Stoddard (