​Pre-Econ PhD Track Skip to main content

​Pre-Econ PhD Track

Below are recommended courses for students interested in this career path. They are unofficial tracks that will not be included on the student's diploma.

PhD programs prepare students to independently produce economic research. PhD economists generally pursue careers in one of three areas: Academia, Government, or Industry (as Economic Consultants or In-House Economists)

In preparation for an Econ PhD program, most undergraduates will include mathematics as a double major or at least a minor. Visit this document for more in-depth information on how to prepare for an economics graduate program.

We strongly encourage all of our majors to take ECON 210 -- Career Preparation Seminar course to explore potential careers.

​Suggested Course Offerings
ECON 488 -- Applied Econometrics
ECON 580 -- Advanced Price Theory
ECON 581 -- Advanced Macroeconomics
ECON 582 -- Topics in Mathematical Economics
ECON 588 -- Advanced Econometrics

Suggested Math Course Offerings
MATH 213 -- Elementary Linear Algebra
MATH 314 -- Calculus of Several Variables
MATH 341 -- Theory of Analysis

Suggested Supplementary Courses
(Take as your time and interests allow)
MATH 334 -- Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH 342 -- Theory of Analysis II
MATH 431 -- Probability Theory
MATH 435 -- Mathematical Finance
MATH 410, 510 -- Numerical Methods
MATH 451, 55​3, 554 -- Topology
MATH 541 -- Real Analysis
MATH 570 -- Matrix Analysis
CS 142 -- Intro to Computer Programming