Data Analysis
Below are recommended courses for students interested in this career path. They are unofficial tracks that will not be included on the student's diploma.
Firms are looking for individuals who can sift through and evaluate massive amounts of data for a variety of purposes. Economics provides excellent training for such work, especially combined with additional technical skills (e.g. computer programming). To pursue this track consider the following:
- Get a double major or add a minor in computer science or statistics
- Complete at least one data-analytic internship
- Network with BYU Economic alumni who work in these types of careers
Possible Career Opportunities
Business Intelligence Analyst
Data Analyst
Data Scientist
Information Security Analyst
Product Manager
Statistical Analyst
We strongly encourage all of our majors to take ECON 210 -- Career Preparation Seminar
Suggested Course Offerings
ECON 484 -- Machine Learning for Economists
ECON 488 -- Applied Econometrics
Suggested Supplementary Courses
CS 142 -- Introduction to Computer Programming
CS 235 -- Data Structures and Algorithms
STAT 121 -- Principles of Statistics
STAT 123 -- Introduction to R Programming
STAT 124 -- SAS Base Programming Skills
STAT 125 -- Introduction to Operating Systems, UNIX, and Shell Programming
STAT 126 -- Introduction to Python Programming