​​​​Intelligence Officer (CIA) Skip to main content

​​​​Intelligence Officer (CIA)

An intelligence officer is a person employed by an organization to collect, compile and/or analyze information (known as intelligence) which is of use to that organization.

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Qualifications/Preferred Skills:
A bachelor's degree or a master's degree in a subject related to one of the analyst fields (analytic methodologist; counterintelligence threat analyst; counterterrorism analyst; economic analyst; intelligence collection analyst; leadership analyst; military analyst; open source officer; political analyst; science, technology, and weapons analyst; cyber threat analyst; targeting analyst) is required. Applicants need to have a minimum 3.0 GPA to apply, and the application process can take up to a year. The CIA looks for candidates who have language skills and foreign experience and they want employees who have strong verbal skills, a strong macroeconomic background and good analytical skills. (The CIA also offers internship and scholarship programs for high school students, undergraduates and graduate students).

National Average Salary:
Economic Analyst: $51,603-$76,498

How will your economics degree help in this field?
Economic analysts study macroeconomic and microeconomic issues. They also assess economic issues that could affect the security of the United States. The CIA is especially interested in economists with backgrounds in international trade, financial systems and energy issues.
