Visiting Scholar: Parker Rogers Skip to main content

Visiting Scholar: Parker Rogers

Thursday, February 08
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM


Parker Rogers is an assistant professor at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University, currently on leave as a Postdoctoral Fellow in Aging and Health Research at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) until summer 2024. His fields of interest include public economics, health economics and economics of innovation. Dr. Rogers received dual degrees in economics and applied & computational mathematics from BYU in 2017, followed by both a master's and doctorate in economics from UC San Diego (in 2019 and 2023, respectively).


Student Lecture: 8 February 2024

Shaping Tomorrow's Health: How Government Influences Medical Innovation Medical advancements have significantly improved life expectancy. Yet, not all innovations are beneficial or cost-effective. This talk explores how government policies addressing these challenges shape the medical technologies we use.

Faculty Lecture: 9 February 2024

Regulating the Innovators: Approval Costs and Innovation in Medical Technologies
How does FDA regulation impact innovation, market structure, and product safety? I examine this question by exploiting FDA deregulation events that affected certain established medical device types but not others. A comprehensive analysis of data on innovation, safety, firm entry, prices, and regulatory changes reveals three key findings. First, deregulation significantly increased the quantity and quality of new technologies in affected device types, with the most pronounced increases observed among smaller and less regulation-experienced firms. Second, such events increased firm entry and reduced prices for medical procedures using deregulated devices. Finally, deregulation does not lead to an increase in severe device-related injuries or deaths. Interestingly, some deregulated device types exhibit decreased adverse events, potentially due to firms increasing their emphasis on product safety in response to heightened litigation risk.