The Econ Roadmaps are a tool to help you navigate the econ major while preparing for life after BYU. Some Roadmaps aim to help you plan your courses to succeed academically. Other Roadmaps will help you find jobs and internships and master the application process. If you're interested in pursuing grad school at some point in the future, we have a Roadmap for that, too.
The Econ Roadmaps should be slowly completed as you work through the major. Please refer to the guide below to see when we recommend working on each Roadmap. The Roadmaps we suggest working on during any given year are marked with a yellow dot:
Once you begin a Roadmap, you can refer to, change, or complete your in-progress Roadmap at any time using the custom link sent to your email from “BYU Econ Roadmaps.” We recommend reviewing and updating your Roadmaps at the beginning and end of every semester.
In addition to the three academic Roadmaps, there are three Roadmaps to help you prep for a career or grad school. These three Roadmaps are outlined and linked below.
If you have any questions about the Econ Roadmaps, or if you need help getting started or managing your Roadmaps, please email