PhD, University of Chicago, 2001
BA, Brigham Young University, 1996
Research and Professional Experience
Professor Lefgren specializes in applied microeconomics with a number of papers in the economics of education. He received his undergraduate degree in economics from Brigham Young University and earned a PhD in business economics from the University of Chicago. He is married with four children.
Selected Publications
Brigham Frandsen, Lars J. Lefgren. Testing Rank Similarity. Forthcoming in the Review of Economics and Statistics.
Olga Bogach, Lars J. Lefgren, David Sims (2016). 143: 89-97. Effort, luck, and voting for redistribution. Journal of Public Economics.
Lars J. Lefgren, Brennan Platt, Joseph Price (2015), 61(5): 1121-1136. Sticking with What (Barely) Worked. Management Science.
Lars J. Lefgren, Matthew Lindquist, David Sims(2012). 102 (2): 268-303. Rich Dad, Smart Dad: Decomposing the Intergenerational Transmission of Income. Journal of Political Economy.
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