PhD, Princeton University, 2014
MA, Princeton University, 2011
BA, Brigham Young University, 2009
Research and Professional Experience
Christian vom Lehn is an Associate Professor of Economics at Brigham Young University. He received a BS in Mathematics and a BA in Economics from Brigham Young University ('09), and then received a MA ('11) and PhD ('14) in Economics from Princeton University. His primary research interests are in macroeconomics and labor economics.
Selected Publications
vom Lehn, Christian "Labor Market Polarization, the Decline of Routine Work and Technological Change: A Quantitative Analysis" Forthcoming, Journal of Monetary Economics.
vom Lehn, Christian "Understanding the Decline in the U.S. Labor Share: Evidence from Occupational Tasks" (2018), European Economic Review.
vom Lehn, Christian, Aspen Gorry, and Eric O'N Fisher "Male Labor Supply and Generational Fiscal Policy" (2018), Review of Economic Dynamics.
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