Brennan C. Platt Skip to main content
Brennan Platt

Brennan C. Platt


2111 WVB


PhD, University of Minnesota, 2006
MA, University of Minnesota, 2005
BS, Arizona State University, 2001

Research and Professional Experience

Brennan C. Platt is a Professor of Economics at Brigham Young University. He received his B.S. degrees in Economics and Mathematics from Arizona State University in 2001, graduating Summa Cum Laude and from the Honors College. He then earned his M.A. (2005) and Ph.D. (2006) in Economics from the University of Minnesota, and has worked at BYU since then. He researches the theory of price formation. One current strand of his research investigates the determination of prices in search environments, including how these are distorted by insurance. Another strand analyzes several unique all-pay auctions, such as penny auctions and political rent seeking.

Selected Publications

Dominic Coey, Bradley Larsen, Brennan C. Platt (2020). Discounts and Deadlines in Consumer Search. American Economic Review.

S. Nuray Akin, Brennan C. Platt (2016). Accounting for Age in Marital Search Decisions. European Economic Review.

Brennan C. Platt, Joseph Price, Henry Tappen (2013). The Role of Risk Preferences in Pay-to-Bid Auctions. Management Science.​

​S. Nuray Akin, Brennan C. Platt (2012). Running Out of Time: Limited Unemployment Benefits and Reservation Wages. Review of Economic Dynamics.

Publications and Working Papers

Full publications list

Winter Office Hours

Monday and Wednesday - 9:00-10:00AM
Tuesday and Thursday - 12:45-1:45PM