Fragmented Division of Labor and Healthcare Costs: Evidence from Moves Across Regions
Accepted, Journal of Public Economics, with Leila Agha and James Rebitzer
Online appendix
Sticking Points: Common Agency Problems and Contracting in the U.S. Healthcare System
Accepted, RAND Journal of Economics, with Michael Powell and James Rebitzer
Testing Censoring Point Independence
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics (2018)
Stata command: censoringtestkmcvmcovs.ado
Testing Rank Similarity
Review of Economics and Statistics (2018), with Lars Lefgren
Stata command: ranktest3.ado
Public Employee Pensions and Collective Bargaining Rights: Evidence from State and Local Government Finances
Forthcoming, Journal of Law, Economics & Policy
Party Bias in Union Representation Elections: Testing for Manipulation in the Regression Discontinuity Design when the Running Variable is Discrete
Advances in Econometrics vol. 38 (2017)
Stata command: rddisttestk
Treatment Effects With Censoring and Endogeneity
Journal of the American Statistical Association (2016)
Stata command: ivcqte.ado
The Effects of Collective Bargaining Rights on Public Employee Compensation: Evidence from Teachers, Fire Fighters, and Police
Industrial and Labor Relations Review (2016)
Care Fragmentation, Quality, and Healthcare Spending among Chronically Ill, Commercially Insured Patients
American Journal of Managed Care (2015), with Ashish Jha, Karen Joynt, and Jim Rebitzer
Impacts of Unionization on Quality and Productivity: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from Nursing Homes
Industrial and Labor Relations Review (2015), with Aaron Sojourner, Robert Town, David Grabowski, and Michelle Chen
Randomization Inference in the Regression Discontinuity Design: An Application to Party Advantages in the U.S. Senate
Journal of Causal Inference (2014), with Matias Cattaneo and Rocio Titiunik
Structuring Incentives within Accountable Care Organizations
Journal of Law, Economics, and Organizations (2014), with Jim Rebitzer
Quantile Treatment Effects in the Regression Discontinuity Design
Journal of Econometrics (2012), with Markus Froelich and Blaise Melly
Stata command: rdqtese.ado
Did Vietnam Veterans Get Sicker in the 1990s? The Complicated Effects of Military Service on Self-Reported Health
Journal of Public Economics (2010), with Josh Angrist and Stacey Chen
Acceleration of Free Electrons in a Symmetric Evanescent Wave
Laser Physics (2006), with Justin B. Peatross and Scott A. Glasgow
Some Variations on Standard Income Measurement Error Models
Journal of Income Distribution (2004), with James B. McDonald